
生地紹介     Birthplace

春休みに入り 国へ帰っておったじゃ~~(^0^)
ちゅ~ことで~ pengの生県を ちっと 紹介するじゃ~。

まずは お城! pengは この城の大門前にて 生を受けましたじゃ~。
ちゅ~ても お披露目するほどの りっぱな本丸は のこっておりませんじゃ(;;)
堀と石垣は ごじゃりますが 敷地のほとんどを 市役所ビルに のっとられてしまいましたじゃ。
面影は この十代藩主が作った藩校の門「入徳門」と コンクリートに固められた火の見やぐらで ごじゃります。 

まあ 市役所になってしもたとゆぅ~ても 一部は 日本庭園っちゅ~ことで お庭になっとりまして 初代藩主 藤堂高虎殿のお姿を見ることができますじゃ。

このオヤジ けっこうな優れもので 浅井―>豊臣―>徳川と うまいこと乗り換えて 子孫には とにかく家をのこせ!との家訓で 藩を守り 明治にも華族として 生き残らせましたじゃ。 築城の名手とも いわれておりますじゃ。

ん? おっと~ そこの関東人の方 そんな人 全然 知らんは~っと 思とられませんかな?
それは 大きなミステイクでごじゃりますぞ~。 関東でおなじみの地名「上野」は このオヤジが 命名いたしましたじゃ。 江戸のはじまりには ここに 藤堂藩の江戸屋敷が ごじゃりまして 国元の伊賀上野と 景色が似とる~っちゅ~ことで 「上野」と名付けたそうで ごじゃります。

さて~ peng生県の最も有名な 歴史的建物といえば やっぱ 伊勢神宮じゃと 思いますが 遷宮のため まだ 白いおおいが かかっとりまして 映像はごじゃりません。 遷宮後に 伊勢地区訪問の旅を考えていらっしゃる方々のため 3点ほど チェック・グッツを 紹介いたしますじゃ。

まずは 神宮内で 無料のお茶をいただき 遷宮DVDを無料でみられる休憩所で 休んでいただければと 思いますじゃ。

帰りには おかげ横丁で みやげ物を買っていただければ うれしいのでごじゃりますが 足元の この「伊勢マンホール」も チェックしていただければと 思いますじゃ。

そ~し~て~ ちっと 見つけるのが 困難かもしれませんが この「伊勢えびフライ定食を お食べいただければ 幸いでごじゃります~(_ _)

ち~っとばかり お国自慢モードのpengであ~る(^0^)

Since it’s Spring break, Peng went to her hometown. So Peng wants to introduce her home prefecture to you.

The first picture is the castle. Peng was born at the site of the main gate of this castle.
But now there is no great main enclosure of the castle to show.
The moat and rock wall are still there, but the most of the castle area has become the city office building.

However, you can still see the old days when you look at this-- “Nyutokumon” which was built as the gate of the Toudou clan school by the 10th Lord. The “Hinomiyagura (fire watchtower)” has been covered by concrete.

Even though the castle area is now the city office building space, there is still a Japanese garden, and you can find a bronze statue of the first Lord Takatora Toudou.

This man was a great lord who survived the civil war time when the government switched from Toyotomi to Tokugawa. He made precepts to keep the Toudou clan. At the end of the Edo era his descendants survived as the nobility. He is also known as a great builder of castles.

What? You don’t know about him? Hmmm・・・It’s a big mistake!
Everyone knows the name “Ueno” in Tokyo, don’t they? Well, this was the guy who named the place “Ueno” at the beginning of Edo area. At that time the Toudou clan had their Edo house in this place, and Lord Takatora thought that the view there was just like “Iga-Ueno”, where his feudal estate was located (in Mie prefecture). So, he named his place in Edo “Ueno”.

In Peng’s home prefecture, there is a very famous historic building “Ise Jingu (Ise Shrine)” where the boss of the Japanese Gods lives.
Sorry there are no pictures of the Shrine. This year there is still construction work going on for the “Sengu”. Since AD690, in the Emperor Jito’s time, we reconstruct the shrine regularly about every 60 years.

Anyway , now Peng will introduce 3 points of interest for anyone who wants to visit the Ise area after the “Sengu” is completed.

First, there is a rest station inside the Ise Shrine. You can get free tea in a cup with the Shrine crest, and you can also see a DVD movie about how the Sengu is done.

After visiting the Ise Shrine you can get souvenirs on Okage street. Oh! Don’t forget to look underfoot. You will see a special Ise manhole. In Japan, many cities have uniquely designed manhole covers.

Finally, even though it may be very difficoult to find a restaurant, you should really eat “deep-fried Ise shrimp”. It’s so great!

Peng loves her home prefecture. Happy!(^0^)